4 easy suggestions to Make You healthier Than ever

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In the age of the Obesity Epidemic, countless new diet trends coupled with an overload of health and fitness information, there are really only a few essential suggestions you need to keep in mind to stay healthy and fit. If you Google “best health tips” you will get over 1.3 million results. how is anybody expected to sort through 1.3 million results?! even if you do, how will you know which suggestions are true and which aren’t? I’ve fine-tuned these suggestions down to only the best of the best. The suggestions below are not only true; they are timeless, implying they will be true for generations. So if you know nothing about fitness or are an expert trainer, keep these suggestions in mind to be in top shape.

1. You Are What You eat – The next time you want to put yourself in a bad mood, go grocery shopping and actually look at the nutrition labels, components and packaging declares on the food you typically buy. products are typically identified “natural,” yet have high-fructose corn syrup in them. In fact, natural products can technically have pesticides in them and not even be mentioned on a nutrition label. This is actually enabled according to the FDA. I could go on with shocking statements about what is omitted from nutrition labels, but the bottom line is always try and cook your own unprocessed food. Amikor lehetséges; heavy steam or boil your food. Your body will thank you in both the short and long term.

Stay moisturized – This is one suggestion I can’t tension enough. numerous professionals recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day. Although healthy, this is a general guideline that has simply been passed down from generation to generation without any real scientific merit. The proper consumption of water helps in digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, maintenance of body temperature and more. When you feel your mouth is a bit dry, it implies your body has been craving water for about 20 minutes. To answer the question all you beer lovers are asking best now, yes beer is mostly water but it also contains alcohol, which triggers dehydration. A major—yet hardly ever discussed—advantage to water is the positive affect it can have on dieters. Those on a diet ought to be extra vigilant about drinking water. Doing this will decrease your urge to drink calories from other liquids, and it is much simpler to drink calories than eat them. In addition to these benefits, water is also terrific for energizing muscles, flushing toxins out of your body and keeping your skin looking healthy.

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Embrace Nano-Sport Periodization – Day after day I see the same people in the fitness center doing the same exercises over and over and over. Your body has an amazing ability to adapt, thus reducing the effectiveness of your workouts over time, unless you change your routine often. Nano-sport Periodization is a phrase I coined for my fitness product strength stack 52, a deck of bodyweight fitness cards that keeps workouts dynamic and challenging. Nano-sport Periodization will guarantee your workouts are efficient, dynamic and effective. First, let’s define Nano-sport Periodization:

Nano: small or mini
Limit your workouts to 30 minutes or less. numerous scientific studies claim 1high intensity and fast workouts are the most helpful for a healthy body.

Sport: playing a game with a challenging component have you ever played a sport with pals and realized after a half hour you are dripping with sweat and have burned much more calories than you did all week in the gym? That’s because the power of a challenge brings out the best in people.  A challenge stimulates your mind to force your body to another level.  That’s because competition is fun, doesn’t abide by a routine and stimulates a desire for you to win. It is human nature to be competitive and integrating competition in your workout will push you harder.

I cringe when I see people in the fitness center with workouts printed that have pre-designated rep counts. using an arbitrary number to identify the end of the set is not beneficial. for every set you ought to be testing your limits, not stopping when you reach a pre-designated number.

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Periodization: Dividing exercises into segments of diverse intensities
Almost every city in America now has CrossFit gyms, a term that hardly anybody knew existed 10 years ago. CrossFit focuses on multi-joint and full body exercises, which has proven to be helpful to your health and an efficient way to get an effective workout. By working out in a group, as CrossFit lovers do, you are getting out of your comfort zone and diverse your workouts either by endurance, strength, time, or a combination of one or much more of those.

Recovery is essential – Last but not least, let’s talk about recovery. one of the most common triggers of injury to athletes is overtraining. Resting correctly allows your body to repair muscles and tissues. between sets at the gym, rest 30 to 90 seconds, this allows your muscles to recover with the proper oxygen and blood flow needed to repair properly. workouts with multi-joint motions require much more rest than workouts with single joint movements. If you are sore the day after your workout, you don’t need to take the day off. The soreness you are experiencing is called DOMS (Delayed Onset muscle Soreness). DOMS is caused by microscopic tears inside the muscles. First, identify how sore you are. If your muscles are sore to the touch or if you feel your range of motion is limited then take a day of rest or better yet, stretch your muscles. If you are just lightly sore, then do a light aerobic or weight lifting workout.
If you are sore before any physical activity, spend 5 to 10 minutes cycling to warm up your muscles and increase blood flow. Be careful about lifting weights when you are sore. lift weights no much more than 30 percent of your one-rep max to avoid exacerbating the soreness and triggering injury.

1: further Reading

Anderssen and Stromme. Physical activity and health – recommendations. Tidsskr nor Laegeforen, 2001; DOI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11875902

Burgomaster et al. six sessions of sprint interval training increases muscle oxidative potential and cycle endurance capacity in humans. The Journal of Physiology, 2005; DOI: http://jap.physiology.org/content/98/6/1985.full

Chmidt et al. impacts of long versus short bout exercise on fitness and weight loss in overweight females. Journal of the American college of Nutrition, 2001: DOI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11601564

Jakicic at al. Prescribing exercise in multiple short bouts versus one constant bout: impacts on adherence, cardiorespiratory fitness, and weight loss in overweight women. International Journal of Obesity and related Metabolic Disorders, 1995; DOI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8963358

Little et al. A useful model of low-volume high-intensity interval training induces mitochondrial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle: potential mechanisms. The Journal of Physiology, 2010; DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.181743

Talanian et al. Two weeks of high-intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women. Journal of applies Physiology, 2007: DOI: http://jap.physiology.org/content/102/4/1439.full.pdf

Trapp et al. Metabolic reaction of trained and untrained women during high-intensity intermittent cycle exercise. American Journal of Physiology, 2007; DOI: http://ajpregu.physiology.org/content/293/6/R2370.short

by Sergeant Michael Volkin for The healthy mothers Magazine
 Sergeant Michael Volkin, is a  very popular author of militarybooks and inventor of strength stack 52 fitnesscards. 

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